

The Joys of Finals Week

Today was super busy.  I had two finals and work.  Yikes.  Because I was so busy, I felt that I had earned a when I got home tonight, I took things easy.

Katie made pizza for dinner.  Delish.  I worked on some studying for a while, but then we got a group of people together to watch "Bandslam" (best movie ever!)

The movie ended...and then the fun began.  Suzy threw a glass of water on Blake.  Mayhem ensued.  About eight glasses, two squirt guns, a sink sprayer, two water bottles and a garbage can of water later, our kitchen had approximately two inches of standing water on the floor.

Now our kitchen floor just has several large towels laying out to dry.  On the bright side, Suzy was mentioning this afternoon that we needed to scrub our kitchen floor.

1 comment:

  1. She would start something like that... you have no idea how much I wish I had been there... bahahaha!
