

A Blue...Blue, Blue, Blue Christmas

About a week and a half ago Apartment 5 made gingerbread men and delivered them to some of our friends and neighbors in the apartment complex.  When we visited Apartment 19, we sang them an awesome rendition of Mariah Carey's "All I Want for Christmas is You..." because we are awesome.

Tonight, they returned the favor. So for your listening enjoyment, the amazing men of Apartment 19:

My only regret is that they didn't come into the kitchen. There was some pretty incredible hip-swinging going on outside the door, and the video just doesn't quite do it justice...

1 comment:

  1. Sweet! I could tell all of you, and especially Suzy were getting a kick out of it. (Her giggle gives her away every time.) It must have been the hip swinging! Tell they guys they were pretty impressive, and on their way to worldwide fame and fortune.

