

Jared's Birthday

Today my baby brother turned 18.  Weird.  I don't think I realize that I've gotten older until people younger than me start to get old.  I suppose I can't still be seventeen if Jared is getting ready to graduate.

Daniel got home from Provo late tonight, so we waited to open presents until after he arrived.  Jared's been pretty sick these past few days, but I think he's finally starting to feel a little better.  There didn't seem to be any sign of bacterial infection when he found out that he has a new set of free weights....

Jared is a good kid and a great brother.  We're lucky that he's part of our family.  This time next year he'll be getting his mission call.  He's already excited.  Sometimes it's hard to watch my little brother and sisters grow up.  I am so lucky to have the family that I do.

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