

Life. And Stuff.

I was informed the other day that random jumps in conversation topics are called
'unsafe lane changes.'  

This blog post is going to have so many 'unsafe lane changes' that it's going to make me the Utah-driver of bloggers.  Signalling optional.  Hang on tight.

This morning my mom called me to inform me that I returned "East of Eden" to the wrong library.  Remember how I was like 18th in line to read it in Provo?  I checked it out from the Snake River Library when I was home for a week in June....but I gave it back to the Provo Library when I finished.  They kindly mailed it back to where it belongs, and the Snake River librarians found my (dumb) mistake so humorous they didn't even charge my mom a fine for the book being overdue.

I always have a hard time remembering how to spell 'humorous' (that was funny) because my brain defaults to 'humerus' (the long bone in your arm). It usually comes out looking something like this on the first try:


Which most definitely means either a) nothing or b) your funny bone.  Depending on how you want to look at it.

Over the weekend I decided that, although I love living with Suzy more than I love pretty much anything, I'm going to be moving in the fall.  It's a bittersweet decision.  I've really enjoyed living with my current roommates, but my advanced years are starting to stare me in the face and I can't continue to deny the fact that I belong in a retirement community an older ward. That's the bitter part.  The sweet part is this: my own bedroom, in-apartment washer and dryer, and actual tile floors.  Yes folks, I'm moving up in the world.  

Also, today I got to submit my requests for the classes I want to TA in the fall.  I'll be sure to keep you posted, although I won't find out for sure what my assignment is until about a week before school starts.  I asked for one of the following: Pathophysiology, Human Biology, Human Anatomy, or Advanced Physiology Lab.  (I don't really want that last was mostly to be nice.)

I baked chocolate cheesecake on Monday from this recipe.  Delish.  It's so rich.  Even Natalie thought so.

Last week I bought fabric to make the bag that I blogged about in April.  Now if only I had a sewing machine in Provo....

I am officially in love with Amazon after yesterday.  Between a 'happy graduation' gift card, free 2-day shipping (thank you Amazon Student), $10 off my purchase (Amazon Credit Card sign-up promotion), and the sale of my *@!%$* biochemistry book to some poor soul in Washington, Amazon totally made my day.  

I got in the pool at my apartment complex for the first time....ever....on Saturday. It was monumental.  And actually pretty fun.  And if the designated photographer ever gives me the pictures, I will post them.  Until then, take my word for it.

UPDATED:  This is a picture from the pool.  We spent like 2 hours balancing on that half-deflated mattress-thing.  It was hard, but worth it.  And yes, my legs are the same shade of white as my swim shorts....or rather, were...  They turned a lovely shade of pink that afternoon.

Also, if you're bored out of your mind after reading my life updates (likely), you should check out Young House Love which is my current favorite blog.  They are pretty great over there.


  1. I LOVE that you love New Mexico's unsafe lane changes. It's especially applicable to Utah :)

  2. I have a machine. I will be back end of August or you could probably go get it from my apartment and use it. My SIL has fallen in love with the bag pattern, she has made about 15 of them in the last 3 months. I am trying to convince her to sell them online! They are super easy!
