

Some Cool Things to Look At

Things We Forget:  uplifting sticky-notes left to their fates in public places

Click HERE and when the page loads, click on the little squares.  You'll be glad you did.  (Make sure your volume is turned up.)

THIS bag is adorable, and I really want to make one.

How About Orange is always fun.  Take a looksie.

AND, I really want to make my very own Jackson Pollock-esque painting.  For a bit of fun, online practice, you can try THIS.

Oh, and by the way, I went skydiving yesterday.  It was super fun. More on that to come, but I thought I'd post a picture of how cute I looked...minus jumpsuit, harness and hat.....oh wait....not cute.  Still fun though!


  1. I really really really love that bag. Are you staying here after you graduate? Let's make one together!

  2. Yes please! I'll be here all summer with nothing to do but work....making a bag would be a blast :)

  3. Melissa that is so awesome! Good for you! Is that on your List? Hannah loves the bag, she wants to make one too!

  4. Love the Jackson Pollock website!
