

Pi Day

Have you ever wondered about those guys like Archimedes? You know those guys who had enough time and energy to do enough math problems that they found random patterns... like for instance, the circumference of a circle is always 3.1415926535… times the length of its diameter. Or like Newton...the guy who invented calculus...I have a hard enough time learning calculus; it is completely beyond me how one would go about inventing it. [Newton also discovered gravity...but it's a bit mystifying to me that no one noticed it until the 1600s... How can you not notice gravity?]

Today [3.14] is 'pi day' in honor of Archimedes and his accomplishments...or maybe just because pie tastes good and we all look for excuses to indulge ourselves as often as possible. Whatever the reason, I am making a peach and raspberry pie tonight, and it is going to be delicious!

1 comment:


    To answer your confusion, what Newton actually discovered was universal gravitation -- that all objects with mass are attracted to one another, rather than everything just being attracted to the Earth -- and that the force that kept the planets and moons in orbit, was the same force pulling objects toward Earth.
