

Cliff Diving

Sometimes I feel like I'm at a point in my life where I'm standing at the edge of a cliff. I have no idea what is at the bottom, but the only other place to go is backwards, and I already know what's back there. The only logical thing to do at this point is to take the plunge, yet how is jumping off a cliff logical? Or reasonable? Why am I even considering this option? If i take the plunge, I know it will change my life forever...but I don't even know if I want change...change is scary. Maybe I will just hang out here on the edge of this cliff forever.

But it seems wrong to just stagnate, to just sit here because it's comfortable, because it's easier than moving forward into the unknown. I just want someone to tell me what's waiting down there. I could handle it, I know I could...if only I could know what 'it' was.

Sometimes the choice to move forward seems like it's not really my choice at all.

I know that progressing is the best choice. In the end, I'm sure I'll be glad that I jumped into the open and let myself free fall into the future...but it's still hard standing here trying to find the nerve to leap.

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