

Tribute to the Good Old Days

Some people are hard to live with.  Just hard.  I know.  I'm gaining lots of real-life experience as we speak.  And it's making me miss the good old days.

I'm so looking forward to domestic goddess brunch tomorrow.  I love my girlies.


#87: Go to an Event Where I Can Wear a Fancy Dress

On Saturday I got to cross another task off my list....wear a fancy dress.  The day didn't start out very fancy though.  Bright and early (actually, not so bright but definitely early) I woke up and went with Logan Black to volunteer with Habitat for Humanity at one of the houses they're currently renovating in Orem.  Our job involved crawling around under the floor in the house to patch a hole in the foundation.  It was a tight and grimy squeeze.

And after crawling around under there on our stomachs, we were pretty filthy...

After Habitat, we changed the oil in Logan's truck, getting even dirtier.  Like I said, a pretty far cry from a fancy dress...

But that night we went to BYU Homecoming at the Riverwoods.  And it was really fun to get all dressed up :)


Catching Up...Story of my Life

Sorry Mom.  It's been a while....

Life is busy, but really good.  Grad school seems a lot like regular college, except I have way more reading.  Class is really interesting, and I'm loving being a TA.

Last week I had the pleasure of babysitting Oliver for a couple of evenings while Sandee and Matt did work on the new house they just bought.  He's such a good baby and we had a lot of fun.

In other news, recent Western blots have been much more successful than my first attempt.  I am starting a project tomorrow that will involve like 30 Western blots in the next 3 weeks.  Yikes.  I am nervous, but also excited for the chance to be in charge of my own project.  After three weeks are over, I am changing labs until the end of the semester.  At that time, I'll be picking the lab I want to stay in for the remainder of my masters.

Other than reading, taking 25-hour midterms, and preparing oral presentations, I haven't been up to much.  Except I started running again this week (ugh.) so I can run a 10K with Claire at the end of the month.  I have no idea why I agree to these things. But the t-shirt is really cool, so maybe it will be worth it.