

Little League

To my great delight, I am coaching a little league softball team this summer comprised of 9 and 10 year old girls. They are a chatty, silly, energetic bunch and so far we've had a lot of fun.

Unfortunately, while I am busy coaching it's very difficult to snap photos. So you'll just have to take my word for it for now until I find a willing photographer.

Today was our first game. We played pretty well.....even if we didn't win. I think I probably learned more than the girls today, and I'll be adjusting my coaching strategies accordingly.

I did manage to snap this yes-I-used-self-timer-because-I-live-alone-and-have-no-friends photo of myself pre-game so you can all see how official I look as a coach. Which is pretty official, if I do say so myself.


  1. Ah you are so cute! But what's this about living alone??? I don't like that at all. I'm sure your girls will have their day of glory soon enough with such an awesome coach.

    Also, did you see Coach's email about the race....with matching youtube video? Such a Marriott School of a thing to do....

    1. I thought that was hilarious. It was so thoughtful of him, since I've been on pins and needles wondering how it went for him :)

  2. SO official...and gorgeous! I'm glad you're having fun!

  3. You look beautiful, Melissa! How fun that you're coaching a team. The "title" of your photo made me laugh, BUT I am your friend and want to see you soon!
